Clouds or ruffles

….. looking at the Ace of Swords and Batons.

To compare:

Ace of Swords, CBD - Hes-Derua - Original Rider Waite
Ace of Swords, CBD – Hes-Derua – Original Rider Waite

The WS card and the Hes -Tarot depicts clouds, this is where the hand with the actual symbol emerges from.  Not so the CBD or even other Marseille decks. It is interesting to note, that there is an other difference , namely, that around the “clouds” we can see  an area that symbolizes radiating light. The colour of the clouds is blue, while the “light-area” is yellow….. Soon  I will be able to  post an image about my coloured Ace of Swords:).

Which one is the original, or rather the first step in this evolution:)? Well , on the Noblet Ace of Batons we can see a ruffle sleeve and on the Dodal as well….. So maybe the original image was that with the ruffles , a more down to earth approach….